Saturday, May 16, 2009

Lazy Day

Well, I'm home alone. I dropped hubby off for drill on Thursday morning, then my Mother and brother went to our cabin in the woods and took my son. They left on Friday. Hubby's drill started off at the armory, but moved out to Kanawha State Forest. He anticipated being in the forest all day alone on Friday, guarding the gear. He found out Wednesday evening, after church, that drill had changed from Thursday-Sunday to Wednesday-Sunday, with Friday off for most of them. So, hubby would have to work Friday to make up for missing Wednesday. He called me Thursday evening to let me know where in the forest he was and suggested I come out to keep him company. Since I knew he probably wouldn't have any meals on Friday, I wanted to bring him something really nice. I decided on KFC, but didn't know what time they opened. I left at 9:30am to drop off Avon orders and work out at Curves. It was just about 11:00 when I was done with all that, and swung by KFC before heading home. Once I was home I hurriedly showered and packed. I discovered that taking a puppy on a car trip is a lot like taking a baby with you. Only this baby didn't have a diaper bag to make carrying things easier! It was 1pm by the time I arrived at the forest location. Hubby was glad for the lunch. I left the leftovers with him so he'd have something to snack on later. I left about 5pm. It was hot and humid, so the visit was a little miserable for me. I certainly appreciated the air conditioning when I got home. I think Ranger did too.

I didn't feel great the rest of the evening. My knees were really bothering me and I had a headache. I finally broke down and took some advil. I just watched tv and worked on my shawl the rest of the evening.

Today I went to a yard sale at the middle school and got some good deals. Picked up some jeans and shorts for my son. I got a scrapbook and a cute little Boyd's Bear that has a honey pot and on it says "I'm stuck on you." I thought it was cute and went along with my "nickname." I went to Kmart and paid on my layaway (a family cabin tent, this should be awesome to camp out in!) and found some Twilight bookmarks. I also found a big ring. I don't usually like big rings. I've always had small hands, and big rings look gaudy in my opinion, but I loved the design and color of this one. I think I needed some purchases like this because I'm feeling so lonely this weekend :(

For dinner I picked up an order of coconut chicken (yum yum) and I ran out of yarn for the shawl I was making. This one is for me, so it's no biggy. I've ordered some more, and a couple of neat crochet books I think will be nice. The one is "Wraps to Throws" where the patterns are used as a wrap and a throw. Sounds just like my kind of item.
The pictures above are two other shawls I've done. The purple one is a lace pattern and I made it for my niece. The brown shades one is the very first shawl I did in Tunisian. Everyone loves the shades.

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